
By: Victor Deras
Publisher: Technics Publications
Release Date: August 2019
ISBN: 9781634626163
Torrent Contains: 16 Files, 1 Folders
Course Source:
Follow along with ElasticSearch expert Victor Deras and master creating, analyzing, and optimizing search engines during this course covering these ten topics:
• Introducing ElasticSearch. This first topic in the ElasticSearch video series introduces you to search engines and ElasticSearch. ElasticSearch is a search engine based on the Lucene library, which is schema free and uses JSON documents. It is API based, runs in Java, and has a full ecosystem (including Kibana and Logstash).
• Setting up the ElasticSearch Enviornment. This second topic in the ElasticSearch video series will show you how to install, set up, and configure your ElasticSearch instance. You will practice checking cluster health using curl and Kibana.
• ElasticSearch Field Types. This third topic in the ElasticSearch video series focuses on field types in ElasticSearch. Practice creating Core, Complex, Geo, and Specialized field types.
• ElasticSearch Document API. This fourth topic in the ElasticSearch video series focuses on the document APIs that are available to us within ElasticSearch. Search, index, modify, or delete documents from within our index. Practice the single document commands of Index, Get, Delete, and Update. Practice the multiple document commands of Multi Get, Bulk, Delete By Query, Update By Query, and Reindex.
• Logstash and Data Ingestion in ElasticSearch. This fifth topic in the ElasticSearch video series focuses on ways of ingesting data into ElasticSearch including Logstash. Practice ingesting data into your search engine from databases, HTTP, files, XMPP, and other sources in this session.
• Querying Data in ElasticSearch. This sixth topic in the ElasticSearch video series shows you how to query information in ElasticSearch using the Search API. Practice the search options of Explain, Pagination, Highlighting, and Index Boost. Apply Query DSL.
• ElasticSearch Aggregations. This seventh topic in the ElasticSearch video series focuses on ElasticSearch Aggregations. An aggregation can be seen as a unit-of-work that builds analytic information over a set of documents. Know the different types of aggregations that exist and practice using aggregations. Apply the aggregation types of Bucketing, Metric, Matrix, and Pipeline.
• Using Kibana for Data Visualization in ElasticSearch. This eighth topic in the ElasticSearch video series shows you how to use Kibana to graphically depict the data in ElasticSearch. Install Kibana and practice using Kibana to create pie charts and other visualizations.
• ElasticSearch Snapshots and Maintenance. This ninth topic in the ElasticSearch video series shows you how to create snapshots and perform maintenance in ElasticSearch. Practice backing up your ElasticSearch indexes and clusters.
• ElasticSearch Optimization. This tenth topic in the ElasticSearch video series shows you how to optimize your ElasticSearch instance to make queries and indexing run faster and require less resources.
Table of Contents
• Introducing ElasticSearch 00:09:37
• Setting up the ElasticSearch Enviornment 00:16:43
• ElasticSearch Field Types 00:14:45
• ElasticSearch Document API 00:33:26
• Logstash and Data Ingestion in ElasticSearch 00:20:41
• Querying Data in ElasticSearch 00:28:21
• ElasticSearch Aggregations 00:17:21
• Using Kibana for Data Visualization in ElasticSearch 00:17:20
• ElasticSearch Snapshots and Maintenance 00:18:39
• ElasticSearch Optimization 00:13:18
